
Volume 10 Issue 7, July 2023

Volume 10 Issue 7, July 2023
- Current Issue
- Early Online
- Reference Genome Assembly for Australian Ascochyta rabiei Isolate ArME14
- Comparative RNAseq Analysis of the Insect-Pathogenic Fungus 苹果手机怎么挂vnp教程 Reveals Specific Transcriptome Signatures of Filamentous and Yeast-Like Development
- Whole-Genome Comparative and Pathogenicity Analysis of Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica Serovar Rissen
- MNase Profiling of Promoter Chromatin in Salmonella typhimurium-Stimulated GM12878 Cells Reveals Dynamic and Response-Specific Nucleosome Architecture
- Improving the Chromosome-Level Genome Assembly of the Siamese Fighting Fish (Betta splendens) in a University Master’s Course
- Genomic Variant Analyses in Pyrethroid Resistant and Susceptible Malaria Vector, Anopheles sinensis
- Adapting Genotyping-by-Sequencing and Variant Calling for Heterogeneous Stock Rats
- Meta-analysis of Diets Used in Drosophila Microbiome Research and Introduction of the Drosophila Dietary Composition Calculator (DDCC)
- Insulin-Like Signalling Influences the Coordination of Larval Hemocyte Number with Body Size in 国内ios如何使用youtube
- Genomic Heritabilities and Correlations of 17 Traits Related to Obesity and Associated Conditions in the Japanese Population
- Genetic Characterization of a Wheat Association Mapping Panel Relevant to Brazilian Breeding Using a High-Density Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Array
- Independent Whole-Genome Duplications Define the Architecture of the Genomes of the Devastating West African Cacao Black Pod Pathogen Phytophthora megakarya and Its Close Relative Phytophthora palmivora
- Population Differentiation at the PVT1 Gene Locus: Implications for Prostate Cancer
- Improving Prediction Accuracy Using Multi-allelic Haplotype Prediction and Training Population Optimization in Wheat
- Genetic Underpinnings of Host Manipulation by Ophiocordyceps as Revealed by Comparative Transcriptomics
- Pod and Seed Trait QTL Identification To Assist Breeding for Peanut Market Preferences
- Inferring Parameters of the Distribution of Fitness Effects of New Mutations When Beneficial Mutations Are Strongly Advantageous and Rare
- Linkage Disequilibrium-Based Inference of Genome Homology and Chromosomal Rearrangements Between Species
- Phenotypic Associations Among Cell Cycle Genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- The Gene scb-1 Underlies Variation in Caenorhabditis elegans Chemotherapeutic Responses
- The Predicted RNA-Binding Protein ETR-1/CELF1 Acts in Muscles To Regulate Neuroblast Migration in Caenorhabditis elegans
- Validation of QTLs for Fiber Quality Introgressed from Gossypium mustelinum by Selective Genotyping
- The Ancestral Caenorhabditis elegans Cuticle Suppresses rol-1
- Systematic Identification and Analysis of Light-Responsive Circular RNA and Co-expression Networks in Lettuce (Lactuca sativa)
- QTG-Finder2: A Generalized Machine-Learning Algorithm for Prioritizing QTL Causal Genes in Plants
- Support Vector Machine for Lung Adenocarcinoma Staging Through Variant Pathways
- Low Additive Genetic Variation in a Trait Under Selection in Domesticated Rice
- Origin Specific Genomic Selection: A Simple Process To Optimize the Favorable Contribution of Parents to Progeny
- qRf8-1, a Novel QTL for the Fertility Restoration of Maize CMS-C Identified by QTL-seq
- Training Population Optimization for Genomic Selection in Miscanthus
- An Unusual Amino Acid Substitution Within Hummingbird Cytochrome c Oxidase Alters a Key Proton-Conducting Channel
- Evidence That Runt Acts as a Counter-Repressor of Groucho During Drosophila melanogaster Primary Sex Determination
- Selective Loss of Diversity in Doubled-Haploid Lines from European Maize Landraces
- RSU-1 Maintains Integrity of Caenorhabditis elegans Vulval Muscles by Regulating α-Actinin
- An Investigation into the Genetic History of Japanese Populations of Three Starfish, Acanthaster planci, Linckia laevigata, and Asterias amurensis, Based on Complete Mitochondrial DNA Sequences
- Dissecting the Genetic Architecture of Cystatin C in Diversity Outbred Mice
- Contractions of the C-Terminal Domain of 翻了墙可伍看哪些网站 Rpb1p Are Mediated by Rad5p
- The Gut Microbial Architecture of Efficiency Traits in the Domestic Poultry Model Species Japanese Quail (Coturnix japonica) Assessed by Mixed Linear Models
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